Der BOINC-Entwicklungsfred

Zum Ende des Jahre doch noch eine neue Recommended version der BOINC client software:

BOINC 7.4.27 available for testing for Windows

Windows Installer:

Andere Downloads:;O=D

Preliminary Change Log 7.4.26 -> 7.4.27

  • client: Allow using NVIDIA GPUs with Compute Capability < 2.0 with CUDA driver 6.5 or later on non-Mac platforms. Future versions of CUDA will drop support for these GPUs on all platforms and presumably not report these GPUs, so we still explain that situation in the Event Log and Notices.
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Nach langer Zeit nix mal wieder etwas zu Boinc:

Es gibt viel neues bei Boinc - vor allem bei der Windowse

- Windows 10, neue SKUs
- Installationsmöglichkeiten auf Domain-Controllern !!!!!
- viele kleine Fixe bei VBox

das letzte Setuppack - 7.5 ist jedoch schon 6 Wochen alt und hat noch nicht alles - aber es gibt wieder einige tägliche Builds vom Boinc-Kern

Win 7.5.0 x32 (Vbox) / x64 (Vbox)
tgl. Build 11.05.2015 - x32 / x64

Wichtig - der Setup auf DC's geht erst mit 7.5.1 also dem nächsten Fertigpack - aber immerhin haben die es nach ca. 7 Jahren doch mal geschafft !!!!!
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BOINC 7.6.6 available for testing for Macintosh and Windows.

Macintosh 7.6.6

Windows 7.6.6

Preliminary Change Log 7.6.2 -> 7.6.3

MGR: When an account manager is selected, populate the account manager name field if it is available.
MGR: menu tweak.
MGR: show total credit as integer. Code cleanup.
Mac installer: Add change Charlie inadvertently omitted from his commit 6a85e37: Require OS 10.6 or later for BOINC 7.5.
MGR: Fix Mac-only bug since BOINC 7.3.0 which prevented showing exit confirmation dialog when selecting quit from menubar icon menu (task bar menu.) This bug was introduced when task bar icon handling was changed for wxWidgets 3.0.
LOCALE: Update with latest menu changes.
MGR: string tweak. Translatable strings shouldn't have spaces at the end. This is one case - should fix all of them.
MGR: string tweak.
LOCALE: Update template based on latest change.
client: fix bug when app version uses > 1 GPU instance.

Note: the code wasn't written with multi-GPU apps in mind. There may be other bugs with multi-GPU apps.
client: add slot_debug log msg for file setup.
WINBUILD: Update Progress Thru Processors installer for 7.6 (Using stock client software instead of fully customized software).
client: fix error in checking unlink() return value.
client: fix bug where project boolean attributes are stuck at true.
• Projects had some boolean attributes (verify_files_on_app_start, ended, non_cpu_intensive) that are send in scheduler replies and thereafter stored in the client state file. If a project stopped sending one of these attributes, it would never get cleared.
• Solution: treat the absence of the flag in the scheduler reply as meaning false.
client: fix bug that caused delay in job cleanup.
• If a job has an output file with and , and it doesn't create the file, then the call to boinc_rename() (to move it to the project dir) fails, and we back off and retry.
• Solution: in boinc_rename(), if the rename fails, check if the file exists, and if it doesn't then don't retry.
• Also:
- when writing client messages, use the actual current time (dtime()) rather than
- write log msgs when output file renames fail.
WINBUILD: Update the custom action table for the Progress Thru Processors installer.
client: allow initial scheduler request to request N instances.
• David made a change on 27 Feb 2009 that set the initial request to 0 instances. He's not sure what the rationale was - the checkin note didn't say.
client, GUI RPC: maintain and report progress rate.
• "Progress rate" is that average increase in fraction done per second of elapsed time.
• Also remove unnecessary destructors in GUI RPC code.
LOCALE: Update compiled localization files.
Preliminary Change Log 7.6.3 -> 7.6.4

client: print descendant PIDs on exit or abort code.
client: always show task_debug message if kill_program() fails
... but change kill_program() so it's not a failure if the process doesn't exit. This is to help debug a possible "zombie process" bug
Mac installer: changes for compatibility with OS 10.11 El Capitan.
Preliminary Change Log 7.6.4 -> 7.6.5

Mac installer: improved changes for compatibility with OS 10.11 El Capitan.
Preliminary Change Log 7.6.5 -> 7.6.6

Mac installer: make my changes for OS 10.11 El Capitan compatibility work with branded versions of BOINC (GridRepublic, etc.)
client: fix bug in computing elapsed time when CPU throttling.
When CPU throttling was in effect, we were accumulating elapsed time at about half the correct rate.
MGR: Prevent crash on Windows with the menu disabling code. Revisit when more time is available.
client (Win): when read stderr.txt, wait for write lock to be release first.
Apparently, on Win, there is still a write lock on stderr.txt, and its buffer isn't flushed, until shortly after the app process exits. This is bizarre, but so be it.
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