Fehler Server returned nothing, Boinc 5.10.45 & BoincPe


Grand Admiral Special
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nähe Giessen

Nachdem ich bei Clustersystem 34a Boinc aktualisiert hatte (Austausch aller DLLs und EXEs), bekam ich folgende interessante Fehlermeldungen:

07/09/08 05:16:07|Spinhenge@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
07/09/08 05:16:38||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
07/09/08 05:16:39||Access to reference site succeeded - project servers may be temporarily down.
07/09/08 05:16:42|Spinhenge@home|Scheduler request failed: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)
Sobald ich wieder auf 5.10.28 zurückgehe ist alles in Ordnung *kopfkratz

Habe dann mal ne cc_config.xml zur Fehleranalyse angelegt:

07/09/08 05:32:55||Starting BOINC client version 5.10.45 for windows_intelx86
07/09/08 05:32:55||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops, file_xfer_debug, proxy_debug, http_xfer_debug
07/09/08 05:32:55||Libraries: libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
07/09/08 05:32:55||Data directory: X:\programs\BOINC\Client\Standard
07/09/08 05:32:55|Einstein@Home|Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
07/09/08 05:32:55||Processor: 2 AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ [x86 Family 15 Model 107 Stepping 1]
07/09/08 05:32:55||Processor features: fpu tsc sse sse2 3dnow mmx
07/09/08 05:32:55||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional Edition, (05.01.2600.00)
07/09/08 05:32:55||Memory: 990.42 MB physical, 897.75 MB virtual
07/09/08 05:32:55||Disk: 8.00 GB total, 7.68 GB free
07/09/08 05:32:55||Local time is UTC +0 hours
07/09/08 05:32:55|boincsimap|URL: http://boinc.bio.wzw.tum.de/boincsimap/; Computer ID: 90300; location: school; project prefs: school
07/09/08 05:32:55|Poem@Home|URL: http://boinc.fzk.de/poem/; Computer ID: 6834; location: school; project prefs: school
07/09/08 05:32:55|Einstein@Home|URL: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/; Computer ID: 1264707; location: school; project prefs: school
07/09/08 05:32:55|QMC@HOME|URL: http://qah.uni-muenster.de/; Computer ID: 76864; location: school; project prefs: school
07/09/08 05:32:55|Spinhenge@home|URL: http://spin.fh-bielefeld.de/; Computer ID: 84027; location: school; project prefs: school
07/09/08 05:32:55||General prefs: from boincsimap (last modified 07-Jun-2008 19:51:50)
07/09/08 05:32:56||Host location: school
07/09/08 05:32:56||General prefs: using separate prefs for school
07/09/08 05:32:56||Reading preferences override file
07/09/08 05:32:56||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 990.42MB
07/09/08 05:32:56||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 990.42MB
07/09/08 05:32:56||Preferences limit disk usage to 0.93GB
07/09/08 05:32:56|Einstein@Home|Restarting task h1_1095.05_S5R3__4_S5R3b_0 using einstein_S5R3 version 436
07/09/08 05:32:57|Einstein@Home|Restarting task h1_1095.05_S5R3__3_S5R3b_0 using einstein_S5R3 version 436
07/09/08 05:32:57|Spinhenge@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
07/09/08 05:33:29||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
07/09/08 05:33:30||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 1083 bytes
07/09/08 05:33:30||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 5500 bytes
07/09/08 05:33:31||Access to reference site succeeded - project servers may be temporarily down.
07/09/08 05:33:32|Spinhenge@home|Scheduler request failed: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)
07/09/08 05:34:32|Spinhenge@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
07/09/08 05:35:03||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
07/09/08 05:35:04||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 1083 bytes
07/09/08 05:35:04||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 2860 bytes
07/09/08 05:35:04||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 1460 bytes
07/09/08 05:35:04||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 428 bytes
07/09/08 05:35:04||[http_xfer_debug] HTTP: wrote 752 bytes
07/09/08 05:35:04||Access to reference site succeeded - project servers may be temporarily down.
07/09/08 05:35:07|Spinhenge@home|Scheduler request failed: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)
Aber in die stdoutdae.txt wird nichts brauchbares rein geschrieben???
05:33:51: Error: Cannot set locale to language German.
[07/09/08 05:33:52] TRACE [1080]: RPC_CLIENT::init boinc_socket returned 300

[07/09/08 05:33:52] TRACE [1080]: RPC_CLIENT::init connect returned -1

[07/09/08 05:33:52] TRACE [1080]: RPC_CLIENT::init attempting connect

[07/09/08 05:33:53] TRACE [1080]: RPC_CLIENT::init_poll sock = 300

[07/09/08 05:33:53] TRACE [1080]: RPC_CLIENT::init_poll connected to port 31416

05:33:53: Error: Execution of command '"X:\minint\boinc.scr" /t' failed (error 2: das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.)
Die 2 Errors können Ignoriert werden --> BartPE System

Nicht das es nicht genauso gut mit 5.10.28 läuft, aber wo liegt der Fehler... *noahnung*

PS: Moin, brennende Katze ;D, schon wach oder noch?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi TAL9000

wenn dein Provider einen Proxy dazwischen hat dann pack mal:


in die cc_config.

Hatte bei Spin auch plötzlich Probleme (HTTP Error 417).

Grüße, SK
Hm, ist das evtl. die Univeral-Loesung fuer die Proxy-Probleme, die (zumindest meinen Tests nach) saemtliche BOINC-Versionen >5.10.28 haben ?

Waere ziemlich cool, weil ich bei jedem Test-Upgrade exakt die gleichen Probleme hatte...
Ich muss gestehen das ich nicht weiter verfolgt habe. Werde es aber mal bei Gelegenheit testen. Verwende übrigens FreeProxy für die Systeme, danach kommen nur Brandmauern bis zum DFN Anschluss. Keins davon nutzt eine Version aktueller 5.10.28.

So, habe jetzt dank den Tips zum ersten Mal x86_64 BOINC 5.10.45 korrekt zum Laufen bekommen, es scheint daran zu liegen :)
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