BOINC Client 4.xx

Sir Ulli

Grand Admiral Special
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sollte ja eigentlich heute abend gegen 20:00 kommen

The upgrade to 4.x will start around 11am PDT and will take roughly an hour. Anybody who has any remaining results to report should get them in before the upgrade, after the upgrade you'll need the 4.x clients to report new results,

da sind Witzbolde in Berkeley am Werk

Anybody who has any remaining results to report should get them in before the upgrade

und ich haber noch ca 18 Results in Cache, aber wie soll ich die senden

SETI@home - 2004-08-28 01:41:26 - Scheduler RPC to failed
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 01:41:26 - No schedulers responded

also scheinen die 18 Results für die Katz

naja BOINC 4.05 gibt es auif jedenfall


Sir Ulli
ich benutz die schon seit gestern allerdings mit climateprediction... läuft die ersten 22h aber sehr stabil und ohne Probleme...
Der eigentliche Witz wahr.
"The upgrade to 4.x will start around 11am PDT and will take roughly an hour."
weil bis jetzt noch nichts passiert ist.
Oder meinten sie 11am PDT am 31.12.2006?
ging mir genauso und ich bin deswegen auch sehr sauer. Die Umstellung hätte man ja koordinieren können. Seti ist für mich vorerst gestorben, da es einen nur frustet. Ich lasse BOINC jetzt für CP rechnen, da reicht eine WU für 1-3 Monate je nachdem, wie schnell die CPU ist und wie lang der Compi täglich schwitzen muss.

ich frag mich überhaupt was diese boinc geschichte soll, seit über einem monat hab ich kein einziges wu mehr bekommen oder abschicken können, wozu haben die über ein jahr diese beta geschichte hochgezogen wenn jetzt sowieso nichts funktioniert ??? ein bug jagt den nächsten, doppelte wus, falsche kennungen, falsche grösse, nicht gewertete, falsche punkte beim merge host (mir wurden 600 avg punkte geklaut, warn letzlich 20 übrig, die gesamtpunkte wurden verzehnfacht *noahnung* )
Auf dem anderen PC, wo BOINC 3.20 M1 läuft, hab ich genug WU's und er lädt sie auch ab und zu mal hoch und holt sich neue, nur die 4.05 will nicht :(
Zum Thema Probleme mit BOINC mal eine kleine Mail von Carl Christensen, der ich voll und ganz zustimme. Englisch, aber ich denke mal die wenigsten haben damit Probleme.
Well that's a bit harsh, SETI has orders of magnitude more users and workunits & results to deal with than any other DC project. BOINC is cutting edge and still pretty new, and right now is a critical time where three projects are coming together to use it "live" with more waiting in the wings. There's no real other comparison to what BOINC entails other than actual operating systems. And Linux and Win took hundreds if not thousands of programmers over far longer time to "gel" and be stable & useful (and plenty would argue one or the other still isn't user friendly enough or stable etc). I think BOINC is actually quite a bit ahead, and CPDN, given the complexity of our climate model to run, probably helped stall & complicate things with a lot of changes required so BOINC could accomodate us (trickles, long workunits, separate monitoring program for the climate model etc); for which we're eternally grateful! So these are "interesting times" (in the sense perhaps of the apocryphal Chinese curse).

Also I don't think many people realize how much work needs to be done on DC projects, and how little money & few staff we have! For instance, the sort of project management & software engineering & planning & network & database administration I was used to in the corporate world (and you list in your letter) usually has a staff of at least 20, and we had the time & luxury to plan things out with Gantt charts and UML diagrams and big testing & release plans etc, and could hire $100-$200 an hour consultants when we needed a hand. These are all of the things we don't have time or money for on CPDN, as it's Tolu & myself doing all the computer work (we now have a new guy Neil doing the "grid" server stuff); with scientists changing requirements on us every day so my software engineering and project plans and deadlines go out the window! ;-)

Now I don't think SETI is as "volatile" as we are, but I know there's only a handful of people there that have to take care of large #'s of users and data handling and development that in the corporate world would have a nice building in Palo Alto with 50 people running things -- 15 programmers, 5 test people, 5 operations/networking types, 2 DBA types, 2 project managers at least (one BOINC, one SETI), 4-5 web designers/developers, 5 support staff (secretaries & administrators), a "press officer", 10 overpaid vice-presidents who do nothing, a CEO who takes all the money and runs when it goes public, and a call center in India. And they'd still have a tough time at it and go bankrupt in a year! ;-)

So this email isn't really an apology or excuse, it's just a little reality check. And I hope you persist with BOINC because I'm confident that after all the initial "bumps in the road" in a little while, when all the projects are up with version 4.x and the others come online, it will all be worth it. It's the best game in town as far as I'm concerned. And I know it's cliche' but I think that relatively soon, when you're running CPDN & SETI & Predictor & LHC & whatever simultaneously under BOINC and everything's working and staying up with plenty of workunits, you'll be laughing about these early "growing pains" of the 3.0/4.0 days!

-- Carl Christensen, Research Officer,
Original ausgegeben von BOINC 4.05 - 2004-08-28 19:02:10 - Sending request to scheduler: - 2004-08-28 19:02:13 - Scheduler RPC to succeeded
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 19:02:13 - Message from server: To participate in this project, you must use major version 3 of the BOINC core client. Your core client is major version 4.
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 19:02:20 - Resetting project
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 19:02:20 - Detaching from project

So langsam hat man das Gefühl, dass BOINC verhindern will, dass man SETI benutzt :]
--- - 2004-08-28 18:54:51 - Starting BOINC client version 4.05 for windows_intelx86
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 18:59:01 - No work from project
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 18:59:01 - Deferring communication with project for 1 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds
SETI@home - 2004-08-28 19:59:01 - Deferring communication with project for 23 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds :o

das sieht gar nicht gut aus

August 27, 2004
Well the last set of hardware issues have been resolved...

scheinbar nicht *noahnung*


August 28, 2004
The migration plan has been reschedule for tomorrow the 29th at 10am PDT. We have brought down the scheduler and file upload handler until the migration happens to give the splitters and transitioners time to produce enough workunits and results to send out after the migration when the clients reset themselves.

also Morgen Abend gegen 19:00 Hoffentlich

Sir Ulli
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Roughly 100,000 results are queued up and ready to be sent out after the upgrade, plus the three splitters will be up and running producing work as quickly as possible.

Wenn auf 4.05 umgestellt ist frage ich mich warum man den auf der Seti Seite nicht downloaden kann. *noahnung*

Warten wir mal ab.

greetz Mike
August 27, 2004
After fixing a few inevitable gotchas, we are back up with the major version upgrade to 4.x. The servers may be slow in responding as all clients will be getting a new supply of work. Everyone will need to download a new core client

Mal sehen ob das heute noch wird.

greetz Mike

Bei mir schließt sich der Boinc client automatisch nach wenigen sekunden.
Ist auch aus dem Taskmanager verschwunden.
Deinstalliert und neu drauf keine änderung.
Liegt wohl am server. *noahnung* *noahnung* *noahnung*
Das wahr vorher nicht.

greetz Mike

Hab den gestern von CPDN geladen und eben von der Seti Seite.
Erst kommt download of userlogo und Backroundimage dann giving up of download of...
Dann schließt sich Boinc.
Hatte ich vor der umstellung der DB nicht.

greetz Mike
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:05 - Sending request to scheduler:
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:15 - Scheduler RPC to succeeded
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:15 - Started download of setiathome_4.03_windows_intelx86.exe
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:15 - Started download of better_banner.jpg
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:18 - Finished download of better_banner.jpg
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:18 - Throughput 2469 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:18 - Started download of setiathome_4.03_windows_intelx86.pdb
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:34 - Finished download of setiathome_4.03_windows_intelx86.exe
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:34 - Throughput 39633 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:34 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.218
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:47 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.218
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:47 - Throughput 27698 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:47 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.198
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:59 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.198
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:59 - Throughput 30072 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:55:59 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.197
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:10 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.197
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:10 - Throughput 32799 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:10 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.213
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:23 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.213
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:23 - Throughput 27798 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:23 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.15617.717330.13
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:35 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.15617.717330.13
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:35 - Throughput 29917 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:35 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.202
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:47 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.202
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:47 - Throughput 30111 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:47 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.14513.304816.213
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:57 - Finished download of setiathome_4.03_windows_intelx86.pdb
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:57 - Throughput 48556 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:57 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.216
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:57 - Starting result 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.218_0 using setiathome version 4.03
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:58 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.14513.304816.213
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:58 - Throughput 32616 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:56:58 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.15617.717330.4
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:07 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.20688.340900.216
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:07 - Throughput 35844 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:07 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.15617.717330.10
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:08 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.15617.717330.4
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:08 - Throughput 37960 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:08 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.13073.865892.55
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:17 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.15617.717330.10
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:17 - Throughput 36068 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:17 - Started download of 25ap04aa.23553.13696.734656.186
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:19 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.13073.865892.55
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:19 - Throughput 32810 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:24 - Finished download of 25ap04aa.23553.13696.734656.186
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 04:57:24 - Throughput 51690 bytes/sec

Dafür kommt jetzt bei der 3'er Version:

SETI@home - 2004-08-30 05:03:18 - Message from server: To participate in this project, you must use major version 4 of the BOINC core client. Your core client is major version 3.

Bei mir erst seit ~10Min.

Jetzt ist auch noch die Seti Seite weg.
Kommt nur ne directory.
Bei mir geht nix.
Nach jedem DB zugriff schließt sich Boinc.

gretz Mike

Habe Boinc komplett deinstalliert, Verzeichniss gelöscht und neu installiert.
Jetzt scheints zu laufen, wobei ich immer noch die Fehlermeldung bekomme giving up of download userlogo backround file not correct or garbage of.......

Habe aber gerade mal 2 WUs bekommen.

greetz Mike
...garbage... die Fehlermeldung hatte ich auch gestern abend, seit 3uhr heut nacht läuft alles rund

Boinc hat sich wieder selbst geschlossen.
Zig mal neu installiert jedes mal das selbe.
Sobald der server kontaktet giving up on download sendet alle dateien und schließt sich.

greetz Mike
So nachdem sich bei mir mit Version 3.20 nix mehr getan hat und nur die Meldung kam ich solle updaten auf 4... habe ich gerade Version 4.05 aufgespielt.Und siehe da:

--- - 2004-08-30 11:22:57 - Starting BOINC client version 4.05 for windows_intelx86
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:22:57 - Project prefs: using your defaults
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:22:57 - Host ID is 141720
--- - 2004-08-30 11:22:57 - General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 2004-08-22 16:52:17)
--- - 2004-08-30 11:22:57 - General prefs: using your defaults
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:22:57 - Resuming computation for result 04my04aa.2277.16386.611064.225_1 using setiathome version 4.03
--- - 2004-08-30 11:23:00 - May run out of work in 3.00 days; requesting more
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:00 - Requesting 332012 seconds of work
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:00 - Sending request to scheduler:
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:07 - Scheduler RPC to succeeded
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:07 - Project prefs: using your defaults
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:07 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.195
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:07 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.181
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:19 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.195
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:19 - Throughput 33754 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:19 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.181
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:19 - Throughput 34458 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:19 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.199
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:19 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.186
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:30 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.199
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:30 - Throughput 33903 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:30 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.186
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:30 - Throughput 35789 bytes/sec
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:30 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.179
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:30 - Started download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.194
SETI@home - 2004-08-30 11:23:41 - Finished download of 04my04aa.2277.16434.279846.179
Oben Unten