P3 oder Athlon (WAS SEHR LUSTIGES)



Hi Leude!!
Das habe ich im BattleNet Forum gefunden:

Hier der Thread:
I need a new computer but dunno what to buy... Should I go for
the Pentium III 800 or the 1GHZ AMD?  Assume the cost is equal,
which performs better overall?

BTW: I finally turned on Glide support last night after having
been using D3D for the past several months.  I'm a loser.  Glide
support makes it a whole new game.. the dynamic lighting effects
are so #@*&^#@*&^ cool I'm about to wet myself!

Hier ein paar Antworten:
1. Bare bones facts here.  An AMD of equal price to a Pentium is
basically the same chip.  The difference is that AMD has fewer
regulations on safety/heat for their chips.  A 1000Mghz AMD is
just an over-clocked Pentium 800.

Stick with Pentium.  AMD chips run an avg of 10-20 degree's (F)
hotter than Pentium.  Hotter means more errors, and quickens
decay of integrity.

This should sum up why AMD's are cheaper, and why they get
released faster.

2.Ein P4 Anhänger
GET IT, nothing is better!!.. just gotta have other up-todate
items like buss, ram, ect so they don't slow you down.
If that is too pricy.. (and it is kinda pricy) then I am not sure
what you should do. But I do know a P4 1.5gig is worth it once
everything else is fast enough to not keep it slow.

3.Hier ein sinneswandler:
I used to be an Intel junkie not long ago, but that opinion has
recently changed.

There are a few pros and cons that you are going to want to look
at on these CPU's before deciding

1 - CPU Price.  The AMD chips are less expensive for equivalent
performance when looking at the P3 vs. Tbird chips.  In addition
the P3 line of processors have hit the end of the line in the way
of performance, and you will need to upgrade to a new motherboard
next time you would want to upgrade.  AMD on the other hand has
already stated that they will be staying with the socket A
standard for the next generation chips (the Palomino and Mustang)
so you should not have to buy a new mobo unless something changes
between then and now.

2 - Memory Prices and speed - With a new CPU you ay need new RAM
as well.  The P3 standard runs off of either RDRAM or SDRAM.  If
you are looking for something for now and not looking towards
upgrades for the P3 then SDRAM would work fine, but if you want
to step into the P4 Market you will have to buy RDRAM (PC800 to
make even a slight performance increase over sdram), which is
more expensive.  On the other hand AMD chips run off of either
SDRAM or DDRAM Currently DDRAM has shown itself to be the fastest
memory currently available (system wide performance increases by
10-15%).  While RDRAM shows itself to have more memory
bandwidth, it is currently plagued by a high latency that
prevents it from reaching its full potential.

3 - Heat.  Since it was stated previously I will touch on this
issue.  Yes the AMD chips run hotter than the P3 and P4 chips,
but they are spec'ed to run at these temps.  I currently run an
AMD 1Ghz and I never see my CPU temp clear 40 degrees Celsius.  
This is well within spec and runs without issue.  So as long as
you get a good heat sink you wont need to worry about this issue
no matter which chip you use.

4 - Speed.  An AMD Tbird (or even a Duron in some cases) is much
faster than a P3 800.  In fact the 1ghz Tbird is only marginally
beaten by the 1Ghz P3, yet is half the price.  The P4 chip is
faster than the Tbird, but it also has the drawbacks of being
extremely expensive (bleeding edge technology) as well as
currently requiring RDRAM (DDRAM chipsets for the P4 aren't
predicted till the end of 2001 at the earliest).

It is your choice as to which you choose, but I would have to say
I am biased towards the AMD chip since it currently offers the
most compatibility, upgrade ability and better performance as
compared to the P3 800

I apologize for any misspellings, but I was too lazy to spell
check this before posting :)

Eure Meinung!!

Das ist im AMI-Land doch noch schlimmer als bei uns oder was glaubst du warum dort der Absatz von AMD nicht so schnell ansteigt wie in Deutschland ???
yup. der durchschnittliche Ami ist noch vertrottelter als der durchschnittliche Europäer. Da drüben gibt es noch mehr DAUs (Intel-User) als hier bei uns.
;D ;D ;D
. Bare bones facts here.  An AMD of equal price to a Pentium is
basically the same chip.  The difference is that AMD has fewer
regulations on safety/heat for their chips.  A 1000Mghz AMD is
just an over-clocked Pentium 800.
Also versteh ich den richtig? Der meint, daß P3s und TBIrds die gleichen Chips sind, nur daß AMD den "Pentium" übertaktet und damit zu einem TBIrd macht?

Cool, war das der Battle-net Clan "IQ-von-Zimmertemperatur" oder "Zuviel-Tabletten-geschluckt" ??? ;D
muß wohl so sein
....man glaubts einfach nicht
tja die Ami's
The difference is that AMD has fewer
regulations on safety/heat for their chips.  A 1000Mghz AMD is
just an over-clocked Pentium 800

Wie kann man nur so unheimlich dämlich sein - das gibts doch einfach nicht mehr "der T-bird ist ein OC-P3" ;D ;D - ich halts nicht mehr aus hahahah
jaja die amis und jetzt zitiere ich unseren bio lehrer:
"die haben doch nur burger im kopf!!" ;D
Und die wollen die Hightech-Computer und Internet Nation sein!!!
Dazu kann man nur eins sagen: LOOOOOLLL ;D ;D ;D

Geforce 2 GTS
Da fällt mir ja glatt noch einer ein:

Why do the american space shuttle engineers always drink coca cola?
Cause they couldn't get seven up!!!!!!

Na, macht's click?! ;D

der beweis ist erbracht: fritten+burger-fett verkleistert die hirnwindungen !!!


die ami funktionieren ähnlich wie seti. nur die masse machts. unglaublich und des in nem gamer forum.
Grmmmmph, wenn ich sowas sehe kann ich gar nicht glauben das die Amis zum Mond geflogen sind ;) Aber in jedem Volk gibt es Menschen mit ner sehr komischen Einstellung...
Also ich hätte demjenigen empfohlen sich nen 486
zuzulegen weil ein PIII ist ja auch nur ein bisschen schneller getaktet und wenn er noch auf irgend einem Schrottplatz nen SX findet braucht der nich mal ne Kühlung  ;D ;D ;D
Es gibt ja doofe Leute, es gibt sogar noch bißchen doofere Leute, aber so strunz-...-blöde Sätze hab ich ja noch nie gehört  :D
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