<div class="newsfloatleft"><a href="http://www.techpowerup.com/"><img src="http://www.planet3dnow.de/photoplog/file.php?n=11579" border="0" alt="GPU-Z Logo"></a></div>Das kostenlose Grafikkarten-Tool GPU-Z von <a href="http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz" target="b">techPowerUp</a> ist in der Version 0.5.9 erschienen. Mit dem Programm lassen sich viele Informationen über die verbaute Grafikkarte anzeigen u.a. auch aus Sensoren ausgelesene Daten wie Temperaturen, Taktraten oder Lüfterdrehzahlen.
GPU-Z läuft laut Hersteller unter Windows ab Windows XP, sowohl unter den 32-Bit- als auch unter den 64-Bit-Versionen.<p style="clear:left">
<center><a href="http://www.planet3dnow.de/photoplog/index.php?n=8883"><img src="http://www.planet3dnow.de/photoplog/file.php?n=8883" border="1" alt="GPU-Z"></a> <a href="http://www.planet3dnow.de/photoplog/index.php?n=8884"><img src="http://www.planet3dnow.de/photoplog/file.php?n=8884" border="1" alt="GPU-Z"></a></center>
<b>Changelog:</b><ul><li>GPU-Z 0.5.8:<ul>
<li>Added explanation about PCI-Express power savings and 3D render test to accurately measure bus config under load</li><li>Added function to display ASIC quality for Fermi and Southern Islands. (Located in the GPU-Z system menu; click the icon in the top left of the window)</li><li>Fixed crash on older ATI cards</li><li>Added voltage monitoring for HD 7970</li><li>Improved real-time clock monitoring for HD 7970</li><li>Fixed OpenCL detection for AMD Antilles, Whistler, Seymour, Blackcomb</li><li>Improved default clock reading for AMD HD 7970 and Fusion</li><li>Added support for AMD FirePro V7900, HD 6930, HD 7690M, HD 6410D</li><li>Fixed Intel Sandy Bridge IGP to be DirectX 10.1, 32 nm</li><li>Added support for NVIDIA Tesla C2075, GeForce GT 630M</li></ul></li>
<li>GPU-Z 0.5.9:<ul>
<li>Added support for AMD Radeon HD 7750 and HD 7770</li><li>Added voltage monitoring for HD 7950 and HD 7970</li><li>Fixed memory size readings for ATI cards with large VRAM</li><li>Improved formula for NVIDIA ASIC Quality reading</li><li>Added explanation text to ASIC quality window</li><li>Fixed bug that caused updater to show up even though no update available, lagging GPU-Z.</li><li>When multi-GPU setup detected, PCIe load test will recommend full screen</li><li>Added board ID to BIOS version readout</li><li>Added option to show sensor reading in GPU-Z title (click the arrow next to the sensor name)</li><li>Refresh sensors in background now defaults to enabled</li><li>Fixed release date for HD 7950</li><li>Added PCI vendor Packard Bell</li><li>Fix for ATI hardware access breaking on Catalyst 12.1</li><li>Added fan RPM monitoring support on some ATI cards</li><li>Added GF108 based GT 520, GTX 555 (non-mobile), GeForce 305M, 610M</li></ul></li>
<li><a href="http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2101/TechPowerUp_GPU-Z_v0.5.9.html" target="b">Full Revision History</a></li></ul>
<b>Download:</b><ul><li><a href="http://www.planet3dnow.de/cgi-bin/file/get.cgi?20110102132101">GPU-Z 0.5.9 [.exe] - P3D</a></li></ul>
<b>Links zum Thema:</b>
<ul><li><a href="http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz" target="b">Offizielle Internetpräsenz</a></li><li><a href="http://forums.techpowerup.com/forumdisplay.php?f=53" target="b">Offizielles Support-Forum</a></li><li><a href="http://www.planet3dnow.de/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=392348">Weitere Downloads</a></li></ul></p>