Was ist jetzt wieder los?


Grand Admiral Special
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Milkyway ist manchmal schon seltsam. Was soll das nun wieder bedeuten?

09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_10_3s_fix20_1_406926_1302219620_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_10_3s_fix20_1_406925_1302219620_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_13_3s_fix20_1_415191_1302219822_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_13_3s_fix20_1_415177_1302219822_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_13_3s_fix20_1_417444_1302219876_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_13_3s_free_1_418137_1302220507_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_13_3s_fix20_1_419028_1302220944_0 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Result de_separation_10_3s_fix10_1_672552_1301530365_1 is no longer usable
09.04.2011 09:12:42 Milkyway@home Message from server: Project has no tasks available
09.04.2011 09:13:42 Milkyway@home Computation for task de_separation_13_3s_free_1_354314_1302218279_0 finished
09.04.2011 09:13:47 Milkyway@home Fetching scheduler list
09.04.2011 09:13:49 Milkyway@home Master file download succeeded
09.04.2011 09:13:54 Milkyway@home Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
09.04.2011 09:13:54 Milkyway@home Reporting 58 completed tasks, requesting new tasks for GPU
09.04.2011 09:13:56 Milkyway@home Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
09.04.2011 09:13:56 Milkyway@home Message from server: Project has no tasks available
Seit 3 (?)Tagen gibt[*bekomme ich keine] es keine neuen WU ;)
09.04.2011 09:24:51 Milkyway@home Resetting project
09.04.2011 09:24:55 Milkyway@home Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
09.04.2011 09:24:55 Milkyway@home Requesting new tasks for GPU
09.04.2011 09:24:59 Milkyway@home Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
09.04.2011 09:24:59 Milkyway@home Message from server: No work available
auch heute nicht...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Von der Homepage kann ich auch abschreiben, allerdings steht da was aktuelleres.


Old ATI applications deprecated
So I figured while everything was breaking and people are already mad at us for having to wipe the workunit and result tables from the database, it would be time to deprecate the old ATI GPU applications. From here on out, we'll not be generating a parameter file for the applications (as all the new versions accept these from the command line which significantly cuts down on the servers file IO), and we'll not be accepting results coming in a file (all the new versions write the result to standard error which goes right into the database, also saving us a lot of file IO).

Matt A is updating the ATI application so they'll be available and automatically downloaded when new work is generated, but for people with customized app info and who are using old versions of the ATI application this is fair warning. We should probably be generating new work sometime this weekend, and the workunits being sent out will break with the older versions of the ATI applications. 9 Apr 2011 | 6:02:52 UTC · Kommentar

Nunja, ich habs mal zurückgesetzt und warte ab.
Sind die ganzen Wutzen, die meine Rechner sich gestern gesaugt hatten, jetzt vergeudete Rechenzeit gewesen??
Was für'n Shice8-(*abgelehnt
Me too (waren wohl weniger, aber für die Katz ist für die Katz!)!
Oben Unten