Der 4 x Nr.1 - Verteidigungs-Thread

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Bush was the best option we had on the ballot in both of our past presidential elections. He is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was the best we had to choose from.

I am glad that Bush cannot be reelected again, but I am worried about who may replace him. Yes, it could get even worse for us.

If Hillary Clinton becomes our next president, we may need another civil war to straighten things out. :]

I think i´ll never get it...Why do Americans think about war as the answer to all questions?!

I hope the next government calms down a little...Especially with that again upcoming "USA vs. Russia" one has to show big balls by building bigger and better weapons...
@All: ihr könntet doch mal das Licht im Partykeller anmachen... da habt ihr viel mehr Platz ;)
CPU-z zeigt mir genau das selbe auch an und ich hab ganz sicher einen echten Opti.

Allerdings hab ich keine Probleme mit PowerNow. Hab noch Treiberversion drauf.

Hmm ich hab den Treiber vom September 2007 (
da stellt er nix umher. Eine Ältere Version hab ich leider nicht. :(

1500 U/Min wo der Benziner schläft und richtige Motoren dreimal soviel nm haben wie Benziner bei 6500 U/Min. :-*
Da die Übersetzung dreimal so lang ist, kommts aufs gleiche raus. Aber lassen wir das.
So Leute jetzt bitte mal back to topic!

Wir liegen 5.6 Mio hinten und unser Output ist jämmerlich eingebrochen, wir machen nur noch gut die hälfte von SUSA *nono*

Also wenn wir nicht wollen das Steve mit seinen Behauptungen Recht behält, müssen wir hier mal was machen

So, mal eine Sammelantwort auf die diversen letzten Seiten...

Meine 1 MIO Boinc Combined und meinen 100k QMC flush hat auch keiner bemerkt!

@Steve I'm glad you're tired of the Clinton and Bush families ruling your great country for decades. That's a sign of a pretty good IQ for me! No offence meant to anyone who voted for either of the two families.

About the chainsaw!... They're made next town to my hometown.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Wir töten mit STIHL! (german saying) ;-)

About the Bushes. No comments, I've been a High School Student and I learned more than I wanted to know!

@everyone here:
Maybe I've had waaaay too much Coke this morning, but how about a "BOINC.GLOBAL" Team where P3D and SetiUSA unite??? 8)


@everyone here:
Maybe I've had waaaay too much Coke this morning, but how about a "BOINC.GLOBAL" Team where P3D and SetiUSA unite??? 8)

*buck* Das wird wohl nur bedingt Begeisterung hervorrufen. *suspect* Zumal ein solcher Verbund dann ja eine solche Monopolstellung einnehmen würde, daß es richtig langweilig werden würde. Dann lieber weiter tapfer SUSA hinterherhecheln. *attacke*
Da die Übersetzung dreimal so lang ist, kommts aufs gleiche raus. Aber lassen wir das.
Ein Erleuchteter, der kapiert hat, dass das am Rad ankommende Drehmoment das einzig ausschlaggebende ist. *great*

So zurück von Behaarung und Übersetzungen (Tataaa - was für ein Wortwitz!) zum On-Topic:

Ich vermelde stolz meine ersten 100k in einem Projekt!!! *party*
Ein Erleuchteter, der kapiert hat, dass das am Rad ankommende Drehmoment das einzig ausschlaggebende ist. *great*


Das ist mir schon bewusst. ;) Aber ich nutze das Auto meist im Stadtverkehr und wenn man da mit 1200 Umdrehungen fährt kommt man einfach schneller wieder weg. Ausserdem leben wir Zeitalter des 6. Ganges. ;D

Egal zum Topic: Boinc Global hat sich glaube ich sowas von erledigt, erledigter gehts gar nicht.

100000 Flush: 8)
1.000.000 combined: *buck* *great*

Abstand: Jau Kohlen drauf!
So jetzt hab ich endlich meinen neuen Rechner8)

Jetzt chruncht bei mir noch ein Rechner mehr unterm Dach.;D
So, mal eine Sammelantwort auf die diversen letzten Seiten...

Meine 1 MIO Boinc Combined und meinen 100k QMC flush hat auch keiner bemerkt!

@Steve I'm glad you're tired of the Clinton and Bush families ruling your great country for decades. That's a sign of a pretty good IQ for me! No offence meant to anyone who voted for either of the two families.

About the chainsaw!... They're made next town to my hometown.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Wir töten mit STIHL! (german saying) ;-)

About the Bushes. No comments, I've been a High School Student and I learned more than I wanted to know!

@everyone here:
Maybe I've had waaaay too much Coke this morning, but how about a "BOINC.GLOBAL" Team where P3D and SetiUSA unite??? 8)



Our government has just gotten too big and powerful. We need to elect those who wish to shrink it, but the powers that be will continue to press for ever more power. :]

A P3DN/SUSA alliance does sound like a great idea, but I agree that it might get boring. We would have a BOINC RAC of over over 3 million! And other teams would likely be totally demoralized. *buck*

We need to watch the Chinese though. If they ever adopt crunching as a national pasttime, we may need to unite. ;)

P3DN really increased its power as a result of our QMC non-race, and it is great to see your team moving up the BOINC rankings now. We look forward to having you join us in the top 3 teams for overall BOINC. I think you can do that, because I see how motivated and competitive you all are as a team.

You know I sometimes engage you in a little competitive trash talking - only because its fun sometimes and we both enjoy it, don't we? ;D

Some people say to us - "Why engage in these contests with P3DN - they are such a smaller team?" Well, P3DN is not small anymore, and is capable of growing much more (and we know this). ;)

Just remember that even though I may joke around sometimes, I do respect this team. I don't think I've ever seen a team able to mobilize and increase its crunching capacity so much, and so quickly, in response to a challenge. :o

It's a lot of fun non-racing against you all. ;D:D;D:D;D:D;D
*bye2* Steve,
hast Du auch noch andere Hobbys, außer bei uns mit zu posten;D
Man könnte denke das Du im falschem Team bist*chatt*


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
*bye2* Steve,
hast Du auch noch andere Hobbys, außer bei uns mit zu posten;D
Man könnte denke das Du im falschen Team bist*chatt*



I've been with SETI.USA since 2005, and I love my team. But, if I was not already on a team and looking for one to join, I would definitely consider joining P3DN. You have a great community here, and you guys and gals (Jane for one) are a lot of fun! ;D

Oh yeah - other hobbies. I like to play golf, hunt, bowl, read news from around the world, and I like to swim in our nearby lake during the summer.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I've been with SETI.USA since 2005, and I love my team. But, if I was not already on a team and looking for one to join, I would definitely consider joining P3DN. You have a great community here, and you guys and gals (Jane for one) are a lot of fun! ;D

Oh yeah - other hobbies. I like to play golf, hunt, bowl, read news from around the world, and I like to swim in our nearby lake during the summer.

If I´m allowed to asked, where do you come from?
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